These run for about 1700 US dollars. I never wanted something material so bad in my life. Wearing a pair of these would be like a dream come true, but unfortunately paying rent is a must.
A cultivation of what I find fashionably dope. Photographs (w/ credit) attached with personal notes. Education through observation. Here I post what EYE like and what I feel I need to UPGRADE me. If you like what I like then feel free to take notes, drop a comment or two, and by any means be fly. - RJ
This is where I take notes.
1. Despite popular belief, EVERYTHING has to do with your appearance.
2. Unless uniform, STOP trying to look like everyone else.
3. Recognition doesn't come from following the crowd.
4. It's not a trend until your friends friends are doing it.
5. After you've started a trend, mourn and move on to the next. 6. Keep in mind you have all eyes when you're THAT fly. 7. While you sleep someone somewhere is styling on you.