"That campaign is OLD!" I know... I know... but this advertisement for H&M Divided Fall 2009 demonstrates clearly my following opinion. During dinner with an amazing friend of mine, we chatted about many different ways fashion effects society as well as the effect society has on FASHION. Being that she is a fashion design major, she really knows how to provoke an intellectual conversation, one which revolves around the industry and the ART of fashion. On this occasion one of the topics that mired me the most was Fashion Post Recession.
My opinion, which is where these photos come in, is that fashion will come back to life bigger and bolder than before. Specifically I am referring to prints. BOLD, interesting, even inspiring prints will return. She strongly agreed, pointing out African and Native American prints. BUT, who is to say we are correct? After all, we're just dreamers. LOL
What do you think? With the recession slowly but surely coming to an end how do YOU think it will effect fashion.
[A special thanks to
The Fashionisto.]